Offering a number of benefits to campuses, Mopri software is especially useful in university print rooms and libraries. Students often need to print documents for various assignments. Usually, these documents are printed at on-campus printers, if the campus offers a printing service. A big challenge for students is that on-campus print rooms do not usually operate after-hours. Libraries and other facilities that do offer after-hours printing do not make it easy for students to re-charge their printing accounts online. This means that even when print services are available to students; if students do not have funds in their account, printing is impossible. With more students being based off-campus, there are even more challenges when it comes to printing documents quickly.

Needless to say, not being able to print urgent assignments is a major frustrating for students. This is also where a solution such as Mopri software becomes extremely useful. A company offering student accommodation used Mopri to solve this challenge, showing just how much such a solution can help students.

How Mopri Software Simplifies Printing for Students

If an off-campus private residence student was working late on an assignment that is due first thing in the morning, how would they be able to print what they needed using their university printing account? Mopri software was recently used to solve this challenge, allowing a private student accommodation provider to offer a simple solution for students.

A printer room was set up in the residence and equipped with computers and multifunction printers. Students staying in the residence can easily access the facilities at any time. As there is no student print database, Mopri enabled students to self-register onto the print database and create accounts. Students are then able to charge their accounts using a choice of payment options. Students can print as needed, and their accounts are debited accordingly.

For the residence company, the biggest value is being able to offer a valuable service to student residents, with no added effort. Instead, Mopri handles all of the account transactions and print settings. Mopri can easily be integrated into student access cards, which allows students to use their cards to release print jobs from the printer. Once the student card is presented at the print, they can also choose documents to release, meaning that unwanted prints are not printed or charged.