The recent launch of “Mopri Campus” is a move to create a safer, cashless student environment. Our goal is to empower parents or students to be able to load credit into a student account. This is done through a web portal, and the funds can be loaded using a payment gateway, credit card or Instant EFT. The funds are linked to a Student card, and the student can then use these funds at the on-premise facilities, such as the canteen, for printing etc.

Mopri is linked to the student access card-so as an example, the student would use the same Access card they would use to enter the campus, to make a purchase at the canteen and release their print jobs.

Mopri is developing some further features, which would allow a parent, to make a single payment through the web portal, and then the parent can pre-allocate funds into specific “pockets”, which helps to budget. As an example, a parent could pay R 5 000.00, and then allocate R 4 000.00 to fee’s, R 500.00 to printing and R 500.00 to the canteen. Using the Mopri dashboard, a detailed breakdown of spend and balances can be viewed in real-time.

Campuses simplify administration, as Mopri manages the administrative tasks, such as which suppliers should be paid and how much. This is done through our extensive reporting. We also leverage off the existing systems and integrate Mopri through our API, so there is no need to upgrade or change existing systems.